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Bitcoin Art and Music – Ordinals + Stacks NFTs Workshop

November 8, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

### **Bitcoin Ordinals + Stacks NFTs Workshop**

Off the back of The Pandemonium’s “Birds of a Feather” ordinals mint, Stacks Australia and the Bitcoin Builders are announcing the first Pandemonium IRL event, to share what they have learned with artists, musicians, creators and community.

Art and Music on Bitcoin is new to many artists. So is developing a sustainable business model. But we are here to support you on your journey.

#### **Getting Started**

This event brings together three creators and community builders to help get you started, test new ideas, collaborate and learn with others.

**Workshop Team**

**Brett Herskope** [@eliherf](https://twitter.com/eliherf1)
Head of Community Growth at Gamma [@trygamma](https://twitter.com/trygamma)
Project Lead at [Pandemonium](https://thepandemonium.io/) [@ThePand3monium](https://twitter.com/ThePand3monium)
Founder [Parrots Radio](https://thepandemonium.io/radio), Stacks Gallery and [OrdiGallery](https://ordigallery.com/)
Regular on X spaces including NFT Now – Not Financial Advice and the [Originals Show](https://twitter.com/TheOrdinalShow)
Brett can chat about all things product and ordinals’ tech.

**Madame Love – Colurful Artist** [@madameloveart](https://twitter.com/madameloveart)
Well-known independent Melbourne artist
Experienced on Ordinals and Bitcoin NFTs on Stacks and ETH NFTS
Course Creator on Metakademy [“Artist’s Guide to Minting Your First NFT Collection”](https://metakademy.com/courses/1029)

Madame Love knows what it is like to be a beginner and the challenges of an artist taking on the technical challenges of smart contract NFTS and ordinals.

**Dundo – Don’t Undo** [@Maroye](https://twitter.com/Maroye)
Web3, Art with Rhythm, Culture
In house groover at Oshi Gallery
Helper at [mus3learning.](https://twitter.com/mus3learning)
Believer that Digital things can be real

Dundo is well known in the music and nft scene and always looking to push the boundaries of art, music and innovation. Participation by doing is the key to Dundo’s success.

**So why build your next project on Bitcoin?**
Come along and find out why and how?

**Your Hosts**
This event is Hosted by
[Stacks Australia](https://stacksaustralia.au/)
[The School of Bitcoin](https://theschoolofbitcoin.com/)
[Digital Playhouse Foundation](https://www.digitalplayhouse.org.au/)
(Registered Charity to Advance Public and Social Welfare)

**Our Partners**
Thanks to our partners [Gamma.io](https://gamma.io/), [Xverse.app](https://www.xverse.app/) and [Oshi Gallery](https://oshi.gallery/)

**What to Bring**
Your device of choice, any art, music or otherwise, and an attitude to learn and collaborate in a V4V environment.

**So what is V4V ?**
In a Value 4 Value (V4V) model, however, the creator receives value after the “customer” enjoys the content. The creator generates value through their content and in return, the customers decide to pay with something of value without the involvement of a third party, voluntarily. P2P. V4V.

We recommend using the [Wallet of Satoshi](https://www.walletofsatoshi.com/) for beginners to Bitcoin Lightning Payments

Rather than playing the age old paying the subscription paying for a workshop embrace true P2P business models and grow your brand.

***[LEARN, BUILD, SUPPORT](https://www.digitalplayhouse.org.au/)***


November 8, 2023
10:00 am - 3:00 pm


Oshi Gallery
386 Smith St
Collingwood, VI 3066 au