Leadership starts with the highest of standards

The Blockchain Australia Code of Conduct is an audited, self regulatory scheme. Allowing Australian Digital Currency Exchanges to give confidence to consumers that they meet strict best practice in the operation of their businesses.

Providing best practice standards in legal compliance, reputation, AML/CTF protections and consumer protection.

Australian Digital Currency Code of Conduct

The Australian Digital Currency Industry Code of Conduct establishes best-practice standards for digital currency businesses in Australia.

Blockchain Australia Certified digital currency businesses offer peace of mind to consumers as they have passed an external audit demonstrating compliance with these standards.

Contents include:

  1. Defined Terms
  2. Eligibility and Operation
  3. Best practice standards
  4. Consumer protection
  5. AML / CTF obligations
  6. Certification and recertification
  7. Complaints and sanctions process
  8. Certification mark


1. Gender & Diversity
Blockchain Australia’s commitment to fostering gender & diversity across the industry

2. Membership
A variety of membership options are available to Australian & International businesses

3. Constitution
Download the Blockchain Australia constitution

Certified Exchanges

Australian consumers doing business with a Blockchain Australia Certified digital currency exchange can be confident that the exchange meets best practice standards.


Certified Exchange Trustmark

A digital currency exchange that has current certification from Blockchain Australia that it is fully compliant with the Australian Digital Currency Industry Code of Conduct is entitled to use the following Trustmark on its website to confirm certification.


Interested in finding out more?

Blockchain Australia Members Code of Ethical Conduct

The Blockchain Australia Code of Ethical Conduct defines principles of ethical business behaviour designed to guide best-practice business decisions and responsible decision-making.

The code is binding upon all Blockchain Australia member organisations who agree to adhere to the general ethical principles and the specific rules where applicable.

Contents include:

  1. Reputation
  2. Respect for Rules
  3. Honesty
  4. Confidentiality & Privacy
  5. Fairness & Respect for Persons
  6. Competency & Continual Self Improvement
  7. Conflicts of Interest
  8. Responsibility for Actions

1. Gender & Diversity
Blockchain Australia’s commitment to fostering gender & diversity across the industry

2. Membership
A variety of membership options are availaible to Australian & International businesses

3. Constitution
Download the Blockchain Australia constitution